FAQ: Evolved - Superhero TTRPG - Powered by DCC RPG
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What is this game?

About The Game: For those familiar with the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG (DCC RPG), jumping into EVOLVED RPG is like playing with its baby sibling. A summary of the rules changes or additions included are below for quick reference.

New Occupations Prosperity Die mechanic for purchases The Path system is used instead of alignment (similar to Weird Frontiers, for those who know that system—thanks, David!) Addition of new weapons, including firearms and explosives Simplified armor categories, as well as weapon and armor modifications Character creation and rules which enable playing in two different eras (2026 and 2051)—and with two versions of the same character, one 1st-5th-level (from the year 2026) and another 6th-10th-level (from the year 2051)! Vehicles and vehicle rules, including wrecks (similar to The Umerican Survival Guide, for those who know that wonderful DCC-based game by Shield of Faith Studios—thanks Reid!) 8 new classes, with some familiar—and some different and new—class abilities: Cerebral Adept, Metamorph, Movement Monarch, Overhauler, Regulator, Scrapper, Thunderstroke, Warder 2 classes from Star Crawl (soldier and scoundrel) for those wishing to not play an Evolved PC A new Mighty Deed of Prowess—the Fastball Special Introduction of Evolved Exploits (known in other RPGs as Power Stunts) A Rank system for Evolved Abilities (the name for superpowers in the game), making certain Evolved Abilities easier to use and tied to class specialties 126 Evolved Abilities across 11 Ability Sets: aegis, cerebral augment, corporeal augment, energy generation, energy regulation, entity regulation, evolved ability regulation, matter generation, matter regulation, movement, and perception Fortune Token rules (cribbed from the DCC Dying Earth Grudge Token mechanic) A new Siphoning subsystem when using Evolved Abilities Sidekick rules! 24 unique villains, 14 heroic allies, approximately 74 bestiary entries

Last updated: March 18, 2024 11:59

How is it like DCC RPG?

What Has NOT Changed from the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG Core Rules? For those familiar with the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG (DCC RPG), the Evolved – Super Heroic Time Travel Roleplaying Game – Powered by DCC RPG(or EVOLVED RPG, for short) contains ALL the rules you need to play (like Weird Frontiers). Yes, you heard that right! ALL THE RULES! This single tome will bring everything you need to take your roleplaying to the next level – and have it EVOLVE!

The core rules are based on the DCC chassis, so all the features you love about DCC (Luck, critical hit tables, Mighty Deeds of Arms, chronoburn (e.g. spellburn), evoburn (e.g., radburn), faults (e.g., corruption), etc. and a WHOLE lot more.

Also, includes an expansive bestiary and roster of villains, heroes, organizations, as well as villain creation tables, chronal-energy evolutions for NPCs, and more. And finally, information on 2026 as well as the world of 2051 – the Dark Fracture, in enough detail to provide a framework for the judge to take and make their own.

Last updated: March 18, 2024 11:59

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