
Evolved - Superhero TTRPG - Powered by DCC RPG

Created by Eric Bloat

Super Heroic Time Travel Tabletop RPG - Core Book built upon Dungeon Crawl Classics ruleset created by Goodman Games

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Good, The Bad, and The Good again!
2 months ago – Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 10:59:14 AM


This will just be a quick update. 

The good news:  All the adventures are ready to move into layout!  The adventure writers have all done a really great job and you're gonna have a blast running these adventures!  They are all top notch and I'm proud of how they turned out from a writing and design perspective. Although, much of the credit beyond the writers themselves, goes to Jeff Scifert for overseeing this process.  

The Bad:  The Core Book's layout has grinded to a halt.  Unfortunately, Brian has had to exit the project.  He's too busy with the great success of his awesome game, Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland (definitely check that out if you're not familiar with it), to get the layout of this scope set up and delivered in a timeline that works for project delivery for Evolved.  

The Good:  We're bringing Jeff Jones on board to take over for Brian.  Jeff is a professional graphic artist by trade, with 30 years in the field.  Jeff has also worked on a ton of Bloat Games projects over the years, most recently Dark Places & Demogorgons Ultimate Edition Core Rules.  I know Jeff will do a great job on this project, and Jeff Scifert and myself will be there to guide and assist in the process.  Jeff J. will start layout in 2 weeks, once he's wrapped his current project.  

So now how does this all effect the timeline?  Will the project be delayed or delivered late?  I don't think so.  I padded some extra time to account for issues, and I think there is enough to cover this hiccup.  However, I won't know for sure until Jeff J. gets started on exactly how quickly he'll progress.  As you know DCC has A LOT of tables, lol.  Those take time to build. 

As of now, I believe we will still deliver on time.  If that changes, I'll let you know as soon as I know.  I've ran over 40 Kickstarter campaigns, and have only been late 1 time, so I have a pretty good track record of getting things finished and delivered as promised.  

One thing I'm not going to do is rush this project.  For your support, you deserve the best!  I don't want to shortchange you in any way but rushing to meet a deadline, only by sacrificing quality.  

I hope you're still as excited for Evolved as we are to get it to you!  Thanks for your patience and understanding.  :)

Eric and team 

Origins - not much to report
3 months ago – Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 01:39:46 PM


Quick update here:  Due to origins and day jobs, not much progress has happened since the last update in the way of layout of the core rules.  This is because Origins, threw a monkey wrench into Brian's plans as he was attending with Goodman Games.  

The good news is Brian is now back and will be diving in to layout full steam ahead.

I'll post another update when I have more to report.


Quick update
4 months ago – Tue, May 28, 2024 at 09:06:50 AM


Hello!  a backer requested an update, but we're about 2 weeks away from showing anything cool.  So, for now I'll keep this one short and sweet and let you get back to your day. :)

Brian Shutter is working on Layout, and Jeff Scifert is there to guide him along the way. I'm overseeing the layout process, but it's really Jeff's baby. :)  We should have images to share in about two weeks to show off the progress.

Everything is still going good and ahead of schedule.  

Here's a link to our current Kickstarter if you'd like to check it out!

WWII: Operation B/X TTRPG for Old-School Essentials by Eric Bloat — Kickstarter



Quick update!
5 months ago – Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 06:33:17 AM


Everything is going according to plan!  In fact, we are a little ahead of schedule. :)

Brandon Goeringer finished the editing on the core book (that's over 700 pages, pre-layout!) this week.  He took what was already an awesome manuscript and made it even better! 

Jeff incorporated Brandon's recommendation into the manuscript and has sent it to me for final review.  If everything goes according to plan, I'll get through my final review next week and get it over to Brian Shutter to start layout!  

From Jeff, about the adventures:

  • Erica Barlow: Funnel is pretty much complete.
  • Jeremy Schumer: Past is Prologue (working title): 2500 word draft complete and working to flesh out now ...
  • Josh Palmer's adventure is pretty much done ...
  • Levi Combs is progressing nicely ...
  •  James Pozenel has put together a high-level 1-pager and I am reviewing and commenting now ...

I'll send the next update in early June.  :)



Surveys sent via Backerkit - New Kickstarter
6 months ago – Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 10:55:31 AM


We passed the smoke test for backerkit!  Now, I have sent all the rest of the surveys.  I'm told sometimes there is a delay when they go out, so just be on the lookout for them in your inbox, spam, etc.  

If you don't receive the survey right away, don't worry.  I'll post a link next week to recover your survey for those that may have not got theres.  :)

While I have you, Bloat Games has a new Kickstarter going that is on the edge of funding, and even has a few of the Early Bird specials available, too!  If you'd like to check that out, click the link below:

