
Evolved - Superhero TTRPG - Powered by DCC RPG

Created by Eric Bloat

Super Heroic Time Travel Tabletop RPG - Core Book built upon Dungeon Crawl Classics ruleset created by Goodman Games

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Backerkit Smoke Test Survey Sent - New Kickstarter
6 months ago – Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 06:17:36 AM


I have sent the Smoke Test survey via Backerkit.  It went out to 19 of you fine folks.  If everything goes well, as expected, I'll send the full survey Wednesday to everyone else and will post another quick update letting you know that it has been sent.  I'll also do a project update to let you know how things are coming along.  (spoiler alert:  It's going really well!)

We Die Young - Supernatural Retro Roleplaying in the 1990s

For Old-School Essentials and SURVIVE THIS!! Ultimate Edition launches tomorrow!  We have some highly discounted Early Bird Specials.  Sign up today for notifications and be the first to know when the project goes live!

WE DIE YOUNG - Supernatural Retro Roleplaying in the 1990s by Eric Bloat — Kickstarter



Last chance to back The Cryptid Manual on Kickstarter!
7 months ago – Sun, Mar 03, 2024 at 07:30:58 AM


A true Evolved update will be coming next week (after Gama) but I just wanted to let you know that our current Kickstarter is about to end and it's a great addition to any DCC setting:

Last chance to back The Cryptid Manual - a weird creatures tabletop monster manual ending soon on Kickstarter! Available for 5e, DCC RPG, Old-School Essentials, and SURVIVE THIS!! rule sets. 

Don't miss out!



THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! - What to expect - other great DCC Kickstarters!
8 months ago – Wed, Jan 31, 2024 at 08:57:43 AM


Thank you so much for backing our Kickstarter!!  Thanks to your generous support we raised almost $36k!!  This means Evolved is now a reality!  We literally couldn't do it without your support.

Where the project stands

The core book is fully written, and we have over 50 pieces of interior art!  Now we'll start refining the text and locking it in.  We will also order more art, hire additional star writers for the adventures, and continue to chip away until everything is perfect.  

What's happening now

Now, we take a tiny breather as we wait for funds to be collected and clear.  This usually takes about 14 days.  As soon as we receive the funds, we'll post another update and let you know that has occurred, and we'll also send out surveys at that time.

How We Funded

We always strive for transparency and think knowledge is king, so here is some Kickstarter numbers that you may not always see:

Eric's Take Away

This was Bloat Games second most successful Kickstarter to date! Our First was Dark Places & Demogorgons for Old-School Essentials, which did $49K.  This project had a lot of pledge cancellation.  All projects have a fair share of it, but I think because of the average pledge being $84.09, the cancelled pledges seemed to hurt a lot more.  If we adjust the Kickstarter total to include all the cancelled pledges, this Kickstarter would've ended at $47K.  In contrast, DP&D for OSE, our most financially successful Kickstarter had $8K in cancelled pledges.  

The Project Followers conversion rate was 20%.  For a typical Bloat Games project, it is usually around 30%.  I think because this was a more expensive buy in (again, $84.09 average pledge), the cost probably kept away an additional 10%.  It can be hard to sell a $60 core book for a DCC third party game, when the official DCC Core book by Goodman Games retails at $40.  I get it!  Unfortunately, we're doing nowhere near the volume that GG is, so we can't buy at the quantities they do to get the price down.  I totally understand why that could be a deterrent to some folks though. We're kinda asking a lot. 

Our external pledges were much higher than usual for our KS.  This is 100% a direct result of so many awesome folks sharing this Kickstarter online!  We had other third-party creators, GG employees, and a ton of folks from the DCC community share the campaign.  But what really made the difference was the amount of backers that shared the campaign.  Every time I got on social media, I'd see our campaign in the communities I frequent, and I'd click the share buttons to see who else shared it, and there were a lot of backers sharing!  THANK YOU!!

A lot of the success of this campaign is ode to Joseph Goodman and Goodman Games.  Joseph was kind enough to allow me to make a Powered by DCC RPG game, using the rules of Dungeon Crawl Classics, not just a setting guide.  He's also been mentoring me, answering all my questions, and has been very supportive from the start!  Thanks Joseph!!  Then Goodman Games by extension, has been sharing the campaign spreading the word, putting up webpages, sharing on social media, and mentioning us in Kickstarter updates.  THIS IS HUGE!  I can't thank GG enough for their support, of not just my Kickstarter, but all 3PP in general.  

Other DCC Campaigns to be aware of

Joey Royale is at again!  Return to Ninja City! A ninja themed supplemental 3PP zine for Dungeon Crawl Classics.  You don't want to miss this one.  Sign up for notifications at the link below:

Launching later today!  Goodman Games brings DCC RPG to Roll20!  

We're bringing DCC to Roll20! (

The Adventures on the Purple Planet crowdfunding campaign launches on February 6th — and there are seven publishers joining with Goodman Games to bring this world to life! You can check out all of their campaigns at the Purple Planet Horde page over on BackerKit!

Some of the biggest names in third party DCC and MCC publishing are participating, with Horse Shark Games, Studio 9 Games, Raorgen Games, TSG High Dive Games, Gaming Honors, Roll Funky Dice, and Purple Sorcerer Games all on board to deliver their own unique vision to the Purple Planet Project! That’s a veritable HORDE of talent, delivering a series of adventures for levels 0-4 that are the perfect way to launch a new campaign on this lethal lavender planet of peril!

Adventures on the Purple Planet . . . And Beyond!–follow the campaign now on BackerKit–and visit our new Horde Hub to catch every adventure from our amazing third party publishing partners!


A zine containing goblin, hobgoblin, and bugbear classes for the Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game.

GOBLINS! by Twin Magi Games — Kickstarter

Explore an alternative fantasy setting with new adventures, original races and deities for Dungeon Crawl Classics! By Jordy Williams

In Closing

Again, Thank you!! This is only possible because you chose to support us, and that means the world to us!

Eric, Jeff, Josh, and Christopher

$30K Stretch Goal - Brian Shutter for Layout - UNLOCKED!! -- Stretch Goals Adjusted!
8 months ago – Sat, Jan 27, 2024 at 08:03:14 AM


You've unlocked Brian Shutter to do layout!!  You may know Brian from his amazing game Neon Lordz of the Toxic Wasteland - and also from being the layout artist on Bloat Games Dark Places & Demogorgons for Old-School Essentials!  

If you haven't checked out Neon Lordz yet, I highly recommend that you do!  It's available in the Goodman Games Webstore here:

 Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland “Total Carnage Edition” Core Rulez Hardcover|Goodman Games Store (


With only 3 days left, things are about to get real interesting!  Usually there is a large uptick in backers in the last 48 hours as Kickstarter puts your campaign back into rotation on it's platform.  

The $45K stretch goal to add a Funnel Adventure to the main book, felt just a little out of reach. So I adjusted it to $40K, and the Custom Character sheets to $38k.  

You can help us unlocked these final stretch goals in 3 ways:

  • 1 - Don't cancel your pledge - lol  Of course, if you need to you need to, and I totally understand if you do, but the more backers we can retain, the more likely we'll unlocked the remaining stretch goals.  
  • 2 - If there is anything you wish to add to your current pledge to increase your rewards, I've included the list of add-ons below.  Again, this is optional, but your support will go a long way towards unlocking the remaining goals.
  • 3 - Share the campaign on social media!  Tell everyone you know this is the last chance to back!  

Okay friends, let's finish strong together! 

And again, thank you for all of your support!!  

Eric and team!